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Index - Practice - Race - Lap by lap - Lap chart - Race History Graph - Mechanical - Graphical race report |
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Track: Port Mon May 11 08:01:00 2009 LAP BY LAP RACE REPORT Start of the race: EOLC1 fails to make the start. Polesitter Yannick Loonus in a Ferrari leads the field as the flag drops. Lap 1: Manfred Haupenthal overtakes Filipe Nobre. Manfred Haupenthal overtakes Stefan Sigwarth. Manfred Haupenthal is in position 17 at the end of the lap. Benjamin Ebers overtakes Filipe Nobre. Benjamin Ebers overtakes Stefan Sigwarth. Benjamin Ebers is in position 16 at the end of the lap. Kevin Brunson overtakes Filipe Nobre. Kevin Brunson overtakes Stefan Sigwarth. Kevin Brunson is in position 15 at the end of the lap. Kelvin Mace overtakes Stefan Sigwarth. Kelvin Mace is in position 14 at the end of the lap. Rainer Alpen overtakes Jörg Neufeld. Rainer Alpen overtakes Stefan Sigwarth. Rainer Alpen is in position 12 at the end of the lap. Mario Wilhelm overtakes Herwig Henseler. Mario Wilhelm is in position 7 at the end of the lap. Markus Sladek overtakes Herwig Henseler. Markus Sladek is in position 6 at the end of the lap. Jens Kraft overtakes Marcus Wiersig. Jens Kraft is in position 2 at the end of the lap. Lap 2: Filipe Nobre overtakes Stefan Sigwarth. Filipe Nobre is in position 18 at the end of the lap. Benjamin Ebers overtakes Kevin Brunson. Benjamin Ebers is in position 15 at the end of the lap. mark edelmann overtakes Frank Peters. mark edelmann is in position 10 at the end of the lap. Lap 5: Stephan Roesgen overtakes Martin Lacina. Stephan Roesgen is in position 4 at the end of the lap. Lap 6: Markus Sladek overtakes Martin Lacina. Markus Sladek is in position 5 at the end of the lap. Lap 7: Stefan Sigwarth overtakes Filipe Nobre. Stefan Sigwarth overtakes Manfred Haupenthal. Stefan Sigwarth is in position 17 at the end of the lap. Mario Wilhelm overtakes Martin Lacina. Mario Wilhelm is in position 6 at the end of the lap. Filipe Nobre retires the Ferrari. Lap 9: Rainer Alpen overtakes Frank Peters. Rainer Alpen is in position 11 at the end of the lap. Lap 10: mark edelmann overtakes Ronald v. Huystee. mark edelmann overtakes Herwig Henseler. mark edelmann is in position 8 at the end of the lap. Lap 12: Jens Kraft overtakes Yannick Loonus. Jens Kraft is in position 1 at the end of the lap. Yannick Loonus loses the lead. The new race leader is Jens Kraft. Lap 14: Mario Wilhelm overtakes Marcus Wiersig. Mario Wilhelm is in position 5 at the end of the lap. Markus Sladek overtakes Marcus Wiersig. Markus Sladek is in position 4 at the end of the lap. Stephan Roesgen overtakes Marcus Wiersig. Stephan Roesgen is in position 3 at the end of the lap. Lap 18: Stefan Sigwarth overtakes Kevin Brunson. Stefan Sigwarth is in position 16 at the end of the lap. Benjamin Ebers overtakes Rainer Alpen. Benjamin Ebers is in position 14 at the end of the lap. Kelvin Mace overtakes Rainer Alpen. Kelvin Mace is in position 13 at the end of the lap. Jörg Neufeld overtakes Rainer Alpen. Jörg Neufeld is in position 12 at the end of the lap. Frank Peters overtakes Rainer Alpen. Frank Peters is in position 11 at the end of the lap. Lap 19: Rainer Alpen overtakes Jörg Neufeld. Rainer Alpen is in position 14 at the end of the lap. Benjamin Ebers overtakes Kelvin Mace. Benjamin Ebers overtakes Jörg Neufeld. Benjamin Ebers is in position 12 at the end of the lap. Lap 21: Jörg Neufeld overtakes Rainer Alpen. Jörg Neufeld is in position 14 at the end of the lap. Lap 24: Marcus Wiersig overtakes Mario Wilhelm. Marcus Wiersig is in position 5 at the end of the lap. Yannick Loonus overtakes Jens Kraft. Yannick Loonus is in position 1 at the end of the lap. Jens Kraft loses the lead. The new race leader is Yannick Loonus. Lap 25: Jens Kraft overtakes Yannick Loonus. Jens Kraft is in position 1 at the end of the lap. Yannick Loonus loses the lead. The new race leader is Jens Kraft. Lap 32: Herwig Henseler overtakes mark edelmann. Herwig Henseler is in position 9 at the end of the lap. Ronald v. Huystee overtakes mark edelmann. Ronald v. Huystee is in position 8 at the end of the lap. Lap 33: Manfred Haupenthal overtakes Jens Kraft. Manfred Haupenthal is in position 17 at the end of the lap. Kevin Brunson overtakes Jens Kraft. Kevin Brunson is in position 16 at the end of the lap. Stefan Sigwarth overtakes Jens Kraft. Stefan Sigwarth is in position 15 at the end of the lap. Rainer Alpen overtakes Jens Kraft. Rainer Alpen is in position 14 at the end of the lap. Jörg Neufeld overtakes Jens Kraft. Jörg Neufeld is in position 13 at the end of the lap. Kelvin Mace overtakes Jens Kraft. Kelvin Mace is in position 12 at the end of the lap. Benjamin Ebers overtakes Jens Kraft. Benjamin Ebers is in position 11 at the end of the lap. Frank Peters overtakes Jens Kraft. Frank Peters is in position 10 at the end of the lap. mark edelmann overtakes Jens Kraft. mark edelmann is in position 9 at the end of the lap. Herwig Henseler overtakes Jens Kraft. Herwig Henseler is in position 8 at the end of the lap. Ronald v. Huystee overtakes Jens Kraft. Ronald v. Huystee is in position 7 at the end of the lap. Martin Lacina overtakes Jens Kraft. Martin Lacina is in position 6 at the end of the lap. Mario Wilhelm overtakes Jens Kraft. Mario Wilhelm is in position 5 at the end of the lap. Marcus Wiersig overtakes Jens Kraft. Marcus Wiersig is in position 4 at the end of the lap. Markus Sladek overtakes Jens Kraft. Markus Sladek is in position 3 at the end of the lap. Stephan Roesgen overtakes Jens Kraft. Stephan Roesgen is in position 2 at the end of the lap. Yannick Loonus overtakes Jens Kraft. Yannick Loonus is in position 1 at the end of the lap. Jens Kraft loses the lead. The new race leader is Yannick Loonus. Jens Kraft retires the Ferrari. Lap 36: Kelvin Mace overtakes Benjamin Ebers. Kelvin Mace is in position 11 at the end of the lap. Lap 37: Benjamin Ebers overtakes Kelvin Mace. Benjamin Ebers is in position 11 at the end of the lap. Lap 43: Stefan Sigwarth overtakes Rainer Alpen. Stefan Sigwarth is in position 14 at the end of the lap. Lap 49: Marcus Wiersig overtakes Markus Sladek. Marcus Wiersig is in position 3 at the end of the lap. Lap 50: Manfred Haupenthal retires the Honda. Lap 52: mark edelmann overtakes Herwig Henseler. mark edelmann is in position 8 at the end of the lap. Lap 56: Herwig Henseler overtakes Ronald v. Huystee. Herwig Henseler is in position 8 at the end of the lap. mark edelmann overtakes Ronald v. Huystee. mark edelmann is in position 7 at the end of the lap. Mario Wilhelm overtakes Markus Sladek. Mario Wilhelm is in position 4 at the end of the lap. Lap 60: Stefan Sigwarth overtakes Jörg Neufeld. Stefan Sigwarth is in position 13 at the end of the lap. Lap 68: Stephan Roesgen overtakes Yannick Loonus. Stephan Roesgen is in position 1 at the end of the lap. Yannick Loonus loses the lead. The new race leader is Stephan Roesgen. Lap 72: Marcus Wiersig overtakes Yannick Loonus. Marcus Wiersig is in position 2 at the end of the lap. Lap 73: Martin Lacina overtakes Markus Sladek. Martin Lacina is in position 5 at the end of the lap. Lap 74: Kevin Brunson overtakes Markus Sladek. Kevin Brunson is in position 15 at the end of the lap. Rainer Alpen overtakes Markus Sladek. Rainer Alpen is in position 14 at the end of the lap. Jörg Neufeld overtakes Markus Sladek. Jörg Neufeld is in position 13 at the end of the lap. Stefan Sigwarth overtakes Markus Sladek. Stefan Sigwarth is in position 12 at the end of the lap. Kelvin Mace overtakes Markus Sladek. Kelvin Mace is in position 11 at the end of the lap. Benjamin Ebers overtakes Markus Sladek. Benjamin Ebers is in position 10 at the end of the lap. Frank Peters overtakes Markus Sladek. Frank Peters is in position 9 at the end of the lap. Ronald v. Huystee overtakes Markus Sladek. Ronald v. Huystee is in position 8 at the end of the lap. Herwig Henseler overtakes Markus Sladek. Herwig Henseler is in position 7 at the end of the lap. mark edelmann overtakes Markus Sladek. mark edelmann is in position 6 at the end of the lap. Markus Sladek retires the Eagle. Lap 76: Kevin Brunson overtakes Rainer Alpen. Kevin Brunson is in position 14 at the end of the lap. Lap 79: Rainer Alpen overtakes Stefan Sigwarth. Rainer Alpen is in position 14 at the end of the lap. Kevin Brunson overtakes Stefan Sigwarth. Kevin Brunson is in position 13 at the end of the lap. Jörg Neufeld overtakes Stefan Sigwarth. Jörg Neufeld is in position 12 at the end of the lap. Stefan Sigwarth retires the Honda. Lap 83: What would become the fastest lap of the race is set by Stephan Roesgen. The time is an impressive 1m06.816s. Lap 92: Mario Wilhelm overtakes Yannick Loonus. Mario Wilhelm is in position 3 at the end of the lap. Lap 93: Ronald v. Huystee overtakes Herwig Henseler. Ronald v. Huystee is in position 7 at the end of the lap. Lap 97: Rainer Alpen overtakes mark edelmann. Rainer Alpen is in position 13 at the end of the lap. Kevin Brunson overtakes mark edelmann. Kevin Brunson is in position 12 at the end of the lap. Jörg Neufeld overtakes mark edelmann. Jörg Neufeld is in position 11 at the end of the lap. Kelvin Mace overtakes mark edelmann. Kelvin Mace is in position 10 at the end of the lap. Benjamin Ebers overtakes mark edelmann. Benjamin Ebers is in position 9 at the end of the lap. Frank Peters overtakes mark edelmann. Frank Peters is in position 8 at the end of the lap. Herwig Henseler overtakes mark edelmann. Herwig Henseler is in position 7 at the end of the lap. Ronald v. Huystee overtakes mark edelmann. Ronald v. Huystee is in position 6 at the end of the lap. mark edelmann retires the Lotus. Lap 106: Kelvin Mace overtakes Stephan Roesgen. Kelvin Mace is in position 9 at the end of the lap. Benjamin Ebers overtakes Stephan Roesgen. Benjamin Ebers is in position 8 at the end of the lap. Frank Peters overtakes Stephan Roesgen. Frank Peters is in position 7 at the end of the lap. Herwig Henseler overtakes Stephan Roesgen. Herwig Henseler is in position 6 at the end of the lap. Ronald v. Huystee overtakes Stephan Roesgen. Ronald v. Huystee is in position 5 at the end of the lap. Martin Lacina overtakes Stephan Roesgen. Martin Lacina is in position 4 at the end of the lap. Yannick Loonus overtakes Stephan Roesgen. Yannick Loonus is in position 3 at the end of the lap. Mario Wilhelm overtakes Stephan Roesgen. Mario Wilhelm is in position 2 at the end of the lap. Marcus Wiersig overtakes Stephan Roesgen. Marcus Wiersig is in position 1 at the end of the lap. Stephan Roesgen loses the lead. The new race leader is Marcus Wiersig. Lap 107: Jörg Neufeld overtakes Stephan Roesgen. Jörg Neufeld is in position 10 at the end of the lap. Martin Lacina overtakes Marcus Wiersig. Martin Lacina is in position 3 at the end of the lap. Yannick Loonus overtakes Marcus Wiersig. Yannick Loonus is in position 2 at the end of the lap. Mario Wilhelm overtakes Marcus Wiersig. Mario Wilhelm is in position 1 at the end of the lap. Marcus Wiersig loses the lead. The new race leader is Mario Wilhelm. Lap 108: Martin Lacina overtakes Yannick Loonus. Martin Lacina is in position 2 at the end of the lap. End of the race: Mario Wilhelm wins the race 18.212s ahead of Martin Lacina. Last of the podium finishers was Yannick Loonus, finishing 25.549s behind the winner. Finishing order and last lap info is unofficial (Replay might have been saved before end of race) Generated with GPL Replay Analyser |
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