GPB_Allin1QUALI is a C++ tool to list GPB practice OR qualification results from two, three or four grid races. INSTALLATION 1. The first step you have done. You have the 7z file unzipped and created this folder. 2. You have to edit the GPB_BestLap.ini file. Open it with Editor (not with Word) and edit the path to your GP Bikes directory, the folder where you find the replays and exports. Please NO enter or spaces at the end of the line! Only edit and save! That's it. Now you can start GPB_Allin1QUALI.exe. USING The console says the both things that you have to do: 1. Put in the names of exports! (without .html) 2. If you have no more export put in number 0! You'll find an html file with the same name like the export in programm directory. NOTE Additional you'll find two other files in programm directory. These are for making grid valuations (if you have to much drivers for only one grid and you will make a prequalification OR prepractice). The drivers will be arranged in two, three or four grids in dependency from the number of participants. In all grids will be the same number of drivers. The maximum number of drivers in one grid will be 24, but you can change this: Open maxdriversingrid ini file and change the value. If you will post the grid graduation in forums open grids_forum.txt with editor and copy all. Then you can post it in forums (html code doesn't work correct in forums). Best Regards Olaf Lehmann